Tai Ming Plaything Manufacturing Limited

red_diamond.gif (70 bytes) Company Profile:
Tai Ming is a well-established toy manufacturer of electronic toys such as talking cash register. They are educational and provide high play value.
red_diamond.gif (70 bytes) Address:
Flat G, 12/F., Shield Industrial Centre, 84-92 Chai Wan Kok Street, Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong.
red_diamond.gif (70 bytes) Tel: (852) 2493 0244 (4 Lines)
red_diamond.gif (70 bytes) Fax: (852) 2413 1799
red_diamond.gif (70 bytes) E-mail: -
red_diamond.gif (70 bytes) Web Site: http://www.amj.com.hk/taiming 
red_diamond.gif (70 bytes) Contact Person: Mr. William Wong

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